Monday, November 5, 2012

Relaxed and Ready

What a great weekend of nothing to do but enjoy our new home. We are officially down to 2 boxes which are full of wall decorations. Since the bear is the tallest, he gets the task of hanging them up. Saturday, we spent the whole day just lounging around, me on the computer playing Bejeweled and him exploring our channel line-up. Besides the walks with the dogs, we just pretty much stayed inside. Yesterday, he decided to go shopping with his brother, while I was responsible to empty a few more of the boxes and set up the nick-knacks since I'm the shortest it was easier for me. Oh, Saturday also reminded us on how different the two places were. Where as Courtside is full of white trash scum who would rather scream at each other, our downstairs neighbors here at Woodland came up to introduce themselves and exchange numbers in case anything like noise was a problem. They were a young couple and very respectable. So weird and a difference it is moving across the street. So back to Sunday, as I watched football and unpacking boxes, I looked around and sighed to myself on how happy and amazing it is to be in such a nice place. Now it's Monday and I'm ready to head back to work and be productive.

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