Thursday, November 8, 2012

Now It's Legal.....Well Almost

So Washington wanted the legalization of marijuana and the voters got their way. It passed on state level, however they have a huge hurdle in their way.....THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!! Unsurprised to me, I had three individuals asking about this new passing law. I simply told them that they can't SMOKE. We still test for it and you will still be fired for smoking it. Until it is okay'd by the FED then it's still considered illegal to us. These three were somewhat smart enough to ask but what about those who were stupid enough to run out bought from their dealer (which this law is supposed to eliminate the whole dealer) and smoked until rendered retarded. My partner in crime said it best "I'm moving out of this fucking state!!" Yes, I did like to smoke it at one time, but it's been almost 5 years since I touched the stuff and some part of me misses it, but I would never jeopardize my job for it. Until it's federally approved, it is banned from our house and from my person.

On a positive note, gays are free to get married here in Washington. Imagine a world of man and wife, wife and wife, man and man unions. It's crazy how times have changed from when I was growing up to today. Granted, I didn't have the hatred that most people had growing up, but we were still taught the wrong message back then. With the marriage now changed to the union of human beings, I'm happy to say we are all equal now. Does this mean the parades can go away now? The celebration of traffic can stop? Nope, because of all the hatred in the world that still exists and the point of views that still occupy all our minds. Don't get me wrong, I do like gay pride however we wanted equality so where is the straight pride days? Oh that's right, it's called Octoberfest LOL just kidding.

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