Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Anger Issues

We all have our gripes and complaints, and it's human nature to express them. Normally I can go day to day and hear such complaints and concerns without batting an eye lash, but yesterday just seemed to make me twinge at every turn. I don't know what the hell it was that made my ears listen in on all the negative comments and conversations, but it was like a magnet for them. I stayed in my office and just drowned myself into application after application to where I didn't have to socialize with anyone. I'm a social butterfly as everyone would probably describe me, and I flutter around sparking up conversation where ever I go, but yesterday just seemed to cocoon this guy. On a happier note, I did end up finding a picture of myself for my before picture and OMG I was fat!! I am standing next to my mom before the football game and all I can say is NO MORE BUFFET. With this weight loss success, I'm proud to say as of yesterday I'm down 23 lbs for the competition at work (which only has one more week from yesterday) and down 35 lbs from when I started my diet or I should say life style change because diets fail and people will gain back the weight. Not this clown, I'm so not going through that shit again. I feel better about myself and my whole out look on life isn't so miserable any longer. Now if only I could spread the cheer around again the people mentioned above wouldn't be so angry, but I'm not God and don't have the power to control people, or do I <EVIL LAUGH>

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