Thursday, January 17, 2013

Who's In Charge?

Yesterday had it's ups and downs and then something snapped in my head. "I will get it done and I will get through this, but going forward we will need to make some changes", is what the voice said. As I sat and listened to the meeting yesterday, I surveyed who the strongest players were and who were not so strong. Those who just want to say shit out loud and those who just wanted to take charge but not be responsible. Here's the thing, we have so many egos sitting at one table whose idea is better than the last and no compromise. When the idea gets questioned feelings are hurt and the side talking begins. If you have something to add fucking say it to the group, not the few people who will side with just you and do it behind the groups back. Reel it back in and lets discuss the concerns instead of turning this whole thing into complete chaos. On top of it all, the person in "charge" is still learning about this sort of stuff. Boy do they learn fast. One good idea was a change in meeting place because of the music being too damn loud. I agreed on that, because it's bullshit to have to yell over the music and then over the side conversations. After this whole experience one thing is for sure, changes need and will be made.

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