Thursday, May 24, 2012

Something To Think About

I've been thinking and thinking about change and how desperately I need it. Ever since I was told about a possible switch to another department, it's all I've been thinking about. Then yesterday I was told that a friend got a position that has newly opened up. Which means the one that I've thought about is available. I've been talking about wanting to and now it seems that I may be doing so. As soon as it opens up I'm applying, but this is going to cause some negativity from my current place in the food chain. The thing is, I've been worried about that for far too long and now it seems to me that I have a chance to get away from it all. What does a boy do? I'm still planning on moving down to California, but that is still a long ways away, and I know that I could do great things in this newer position. I can utilize my people skills as well as my thirst for knowledge. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

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