Thursday, April 5, 2012


Just another day in paradise though it seems. People are people and that is what I really expect now days. A line from a song tells it all "Seasons change but people don't". Which I know isn't always the case but it actually fits with some of the folks I know. One of these people are back to their snappy self while another is just so full of themselves they don't realize how much of a joke they really are. If only they were smart enough to see, but then again they may know and they cry themselves to sleep wondering what and why. I really doubt it, but hell who knows right, I'm no mind reader. I'm really getting burned out on my position and want a change, but nothing is opened that will offer me such change. I've been asked to join another department, but I really couldn't afford to do that. Don't get me wrong I love my job, I'm just fizzling to the point of wondering away. I really try my hardest and get nothing in return with the exception of being recognized as employee of the month in 2010, which is a great honor in my eyes. I would have never expected that in a million years honestly. Going forward though, I'm keeping my opinions to myself for they do nothing but get me into trouble, and when I ask for help I'm going to be better and communicating what I'm trying to say and ask, and be less frustrated and babyish in dealing with explaining things. I will be ok, just needed to vent a little to the only one who listens and that is mostly me, but I made a vow when I come home, I leave work at work. I sometimes can't help but lash out from time to time, but for the most part I'm getting good at this letting it go. As a co-worker said to me "Pick your battles". Great advise for someone like me who wants to fight everything just to lose in the end.

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