Thursday, November 17, 2011

Growing Up Is Hard To Do

I never realized that being an adult would cause this many headaches and childish behavior. Silent treatments, arguing over "toys", talking gossip (can never escape that not matter what age), and my personal favorite throwing huge tantrums when you don't get your way and the pouting afterwards. I already knew about the hardships adult life has like paying bills, getting a good job, hoping and praying that you have enough education to bump you to the next level. Take all of this and mix in human emotion and you pretty much have me. I am one of the lucky ones though, I found love at an early age. I worked my butt off to excel in what ever I do, but failed at going any further due to "hurt feeling" and "jealousy". To be an adult is to learn from past mistakes and try real hard not to repeat them. Live life as a gift and not a chore.

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